Ka Moipone Makhemeng
La 19 Pherekhong 2023
Lefapha la Lihlapiso tsa Baithuti (National Manpower Development Secretariat – NMDS) le tlalehoa le fanyehile lihlapiso tsa baithuti ba ka bang mashome a mabeli (20) National University of Lesotho (NUL). Baithuti ba amehileng ke ba ithutelang Lengolo la Phetolelo le Botoloko (Bachelor of Arts in Translation & Interpretting).
Koranta e buile le e mong oa mahlasipa tabeng ena. Eena o tiisitse hore NMDS e fanyehile lihlapiso tsa bona. A supa hore NMDS e ile ea ba bitsa ho ba hlalosetsa mabaka a ho fanyeha lihlapiso. Ka bokhutšoane, NMDS e re ha e tšehetse lengolo lena.
“Ba re sekolo se ne se patile ntho eno (Lengolo la Phetolelo le Botoloko) tlas’a Humanities. Joale ba fumane kamora lipatlisiso hore thuto eo ba sa e tšehetseng e ntse etsuoa ke baithuti.
“Rona ha re etsa likopo re ne re sa tsebe hore Translation e ikemetse. Prospectus e hlaha e le ntho e ikemetseng, ebe batho ba bang ba etsa likopo. Likamohelo (admissions) li hlaha ba entse kopo ea ho ithutela Humanities e seng Translation and Interpreting.” E mong oa baithuti oa hlalosa.
Mofumahali Mpho Mosili ho tsoa ofising ea liphatlalatso NMDS o boleletse Leihlo la Basotho hore NMDS ha e tšehetse mangolo a Phetolelo le Botoloko.
Mosili o re ba hlokometse hore NUL e kentse Thuto ea Phetolelo le Botoloko tlas’a Lefapha la Humanities. Oa nama: “Translation e hlaha e le programme under the Faculty of Humanities. Ha e hlahe e le specialisation under Humanities. Ho na le distinction mono, ho na le motho eo ho thoeng o etsa programme e bitsoang Bachelor of Arts in Humanities as a programme. Ho boetse ho na le ea etsang lengolo la Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpreting under the Faculty.”
“Joale NUL e ntšelitse-pele course eo kahara Humanities. Taba ke hore lengolo lena le lecha ‘me le tlameha ho fuoa tumello (accreditation) pele; le ke ke la fuoa tšehetso le sa fuoa accreditation. Ke hona moo bothata bo leng teng.” Mosili o hlakisa joalo.
Leihlo la Basotho le boetse le atametse mookameli oa liphatlalatso National Universrity of Lesotho mofumahali ‘Mamosa Moteetee, ea hlalositseng hore sekolo se mothating oa ho ntša polelo ka taba ena.
Ho sa le joalo, puisanong le koranta ena, mookameli oa lekhotla la baithuti NUL, Tumo Tsanyane o itse ba ntse ba itlhopha hore na taba ena ba tla e sebetsa joang. O bonts’itse ngongoreho ea hore baithuti ba ne ba kene selekaneng le NMDS leha ho hlaha litaba tsena, tseo a reng ha ba li utloisisi.