Ka Matlhohonolofatso Lebesa
La 20 Pherekhong 2024
Letona la Temo, Thabo Mofosi o phatlalalitse hore lihlahisoa tsa khoho li tla lumelloa ho kena malibohong ho hlaha Afrika Boroa ka lipehelo tse itseng. Sena se latela thibelo ea ho kena hoa likhoho ho hlaha Afrika Boroa ka lebaka la ho qhoma hoa sefuba sa likhoho (Avian Influenza) naheng eo. ‘Muso oa Lesotho o ne o petlenye thibelo ena ka la 20 Mphalane 2023.
A bua le baqolotsi, Mofosi o itse lihlahisoa li tla kena ka lipehelo; ea pele ke hore ho tla hloauoa libaka tseo nama e tla rekoa teng liprofinsing tse ling tsa Afrika Boroa.
“Lihlahisoa tse tla lumelloa e tla ba khoho e tlang e hlabuoe e hatsetse (frozen chicken) le mahe a qhotsiso (fertile eggs)” Mofosi o phatlalatsa joalo.
O boletse hore lihlahisoa tse sa buleloang ho tsoa Afrika Boroa e leng likhoho tse phelang kapa litsuonyana ‘muso o tla thusa hore li fumanoe linaheng tse kang Zambia, Eswatini kapa Zimbabwe. Mofosi o itse ba lumellane le Afrika Boroa hore ho ntse ho le kotsi ho bulela likhoho tse phelang ho kena ka Lesotho.
“Taba ena re e entse ka tataiso le boeletsi ba lingaka tsa Lesotho le Afrika Boroa, ‘me eona e tlameha ho fana ka tokomane e tataisang ho netefatsa hore na ho rekoe kae ke bo-mang.” Ho rialo Mofosi.
A thatiselletsa ka hore ba thehile sehlopha sa tšebetso se tlo thusa ho bokella manane e le ho ithuta hore na ke lihoai tse kae tse hlokang khoho e phelang kapa litsuonyana.
A phethela ka hore lekala le qalile meralo ea ho fumana hore ho ka etsoa eng hore Basotho le bahoebi ba likhoho ba be le mekhoa e hlakileng ea ho itlhaisetsa khoho.
Ho sa le joalo, Mongoli e Moholo oa Lekala la Temo, Moshe Mosaase o ile a tlatsetsa ka hore lekala la habo kamor’a boithuto le hlokometse hore ho molemo hore bahoebi ba sebetse le ‘muso ho fenya qholotso ena kaha khoho e le sejo se fihleloang ke Basotho bohle kaha ba bang ba iphelisa ka likhoho.
Mosaase o ile a hlakisa hore ba tlil’o thusa lihoai joang ho lata lihlahisoa tse ntseng li thibetsoe linaheng tse ling. A re sehlopha sa tšebetso se ntse se sebetsana le ho bona hore se bokella manane a lihlahisoa (litsuonyana kapa likhoho tse phelang) tse hlokoang ke Basotho e le hore ‘muso o tle o thusetse ka ho ba khahlametsa.
O bile a etsa mohlala ka ho supa hore ebang moji kapa moreki a ne a lefa M7.00 ho reka tsuonyana, lekala le tlil’o leka hore ho ‘ne ho be joalo ka ho khahlametsa ho lefa litšenyehelo tse ling.
“Ha re tlo rekela bahoebi thepa empa re tlo bebofatsa mokhoa oa theko ea thepa ena esitana le mokhoa oa ho e tlosa moo e fumanehang teng ho tla fihla Lesotho koano.” Ho rialo Mosaase.
Dr. Keneuoe Lehloenya ho hlaha Lefapheng la Ntlafatso le Bophekoli ba liphoofolo o tšoaetse ka hore ba ntse ba itokisa kaha ba na le sesiu sa lihoai tse batlang ho hlahisa le ho qhotsisa likhoho. O re leha ho le joalo, qholotso ke chelete empa lekala le entse meralo ea hore ba khahlametsoe.
Dr. Lehloenya o lihetse likhala ka hore lekala le mothating oa ho bua le Afrika Boroa hore ho fanoe ka mangolo a tumello hore thepa e tle e tsamaee joang; ka lifofane kapa likoloi ho hlaha linaheng tse ling.
“Lebaka la khahlametso ena ke ho beha bahoebi moo ba neng ba le hona teng”. Lehloenya o kobella taba tsa hae.